The 74 number plate release is just around the corner. Have you registered your interest yet?
You’ll have to act fast to secure the 74 plate of your dreams, so here’s some inspiration to guide you through the process.
And if you’re ready to pull the trigger or search in more detail, check out our website to build your own 74 registration or call our sales team on 01642 363738 for advice and more information.
If your name is Stacey, you’ve probably struggled to find the perfect private number plate. A lot of the time, bagging a reg for a longer name like this is practically impossible, but now, you have the perfect opportunity to secure a Stacey reg to be proud of.
Sharon is another one of those multisyllabic names that is difficult to find personalised number plates for. Utilising the 74 digits to fantastic effect, this registration spells Sharon almost perfectly and will leave motorists in no confusion about the name of the driver.

A surname number plate next in the form of Watson, which is almost perfectly spelt with this brilliant 74 series number plate. Ideal for lovers of Sherlock Holmes’ sidekick or simply somebody with this iconic surname, you can register interest in WA74 SON with National Numbers today.
Natasha is a popular UK name and one that’s difficult to get right on a private number plate. The 74 release provides a unique opportunity to secure NA74 SHA, which is the perfect utilisation of a 7 as a T and a 4 as an A on a personalised reg.
The result is one of the most impeccable, millennium-style registration marks you’ll find for anybody named Natasha.
Similar in style to the Natasha plate, but this time for Nathan, NA74 HAN is a great way to show off your name on a brand-new vehicle. Another tricky one to spell without assistance or illegal spacing, Nathan number plates are now within your grasp if you register your interest in good time.
An old school name, Gladys is one of those that will probably become popular in years to come. If you know a Gladys or somebody who would benefit from a new, 74 style number plate that features the name, you can register interest in GL74 DYS with National Numbers.
Graham is a very popular name in the UK and now you can show it off on your vehicle with this brilliant 74 series number plate. So, if you’re a Graham with a passion for new cars, give our sales team a call at 01642 363738.
Spelling a three-syllable word is no mean feat when it comes to British number plates, but the DVLA have cracked it with this brilliant Amanda plate that’s soon to be put into circulation.
Be quick to register your interest in this one if it matches your name or the name of someone close to you, as it will likely sell quickly upon release.

Testing the waters is simple with this great 74 series number plate. Ideal for plumbers or somebody with Waters as their surname, WA74 ERS is another prime example of utilising numbers as letters on millennium-style private number plates to spell a difficult word.
Joanne’s and Joanna’s can rejoice with the upcoming 74 number plate release as there are multiple options to spell your entire name on your car. Choose between JO74 NNE and JO74 NNA and show off your brand-new vehicle in the most personal way possible.
For those of a certain age, Frasier is an unforgettable sitcom with the main character, Fraser Crane, played by Kelsey Grammer. For a younger generation, however, Fraser is becoming a popular name for babies and children, which is why this Fraser number plate is an investment opportunity for the ages.
Register your interest in a 74 series number plate
The 74 release is just around the corner, so the time is now to register interest in your perfect 74 plate. At National Numbers, we have a 99% success rate purchasing private plates for private customers and we’ve been buying reg for customers like you since the very first A series release back in 1983. So, we’re your best bet for securing the perfect 74 plate when they’re unleashed onto UK roads.
Oh, and remember, 74 series number plates can only be assigned to vehicles manufactured on or after 1/09/2024.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our fantastic sales team on 01642 363738 to the ball rolling on your 74 plate or search our range of 74 series number plates online.