Fuel. The bane of your life if you own a vehicle in the UK and one of the most expensive aspects of being a motorist.
A little known fact is that your number plates can be the reason your vehicle fails an MOT.
The Budget had implications for many people around the UK, but the effect on motorists has been underreported.
Celebrities are complex beasts, but almost all have one thing in common - their love of cars.
Like most automobile enthusiasts, we have a need for speed here at National Numbers.
Nothing beats a bit of number plate trivia, and we love looking back at number plates of old here at National Numbers.
Number plates are our bread and butter and we love delving into some number plate history and trivia.
There are many myths and misconceptions about private number plates, and in this blog, we will explore some of our favourites.
The Euros are well underway and what better way to show your love for your country than with a private number plate.
When you hear U2, the first thing that might pop into your head is an unwanted album added to your iTunes library in 2014.
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