National Numbers has at any one time about 70 million plates on our database. We try to spot Rude number plates and tag them accordingly. This operation is usually done by a human not a computer. Over 44 years of trading, National Numbers has sold some very unusual Rude Number Plates.
National Numbers have, at any given time, more than 70 million private number plates on our database from the DVLA (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency). From dateless to prefix, suffix, Northern Irish and more, we've got every car registration style available and every format when it comes to registration numbers.
And even though we have so many private registrations available to buy online, we always try to spot rude private registration plates and tag them accordingly so if you're on the hunt for a rude vehicle registration number, we can always help you find one.
Take a look at some of the rudest DVLA personalised registrations available to UK customers below.
Rude personalised number plates from Government stock
It might be difficult to believe that the DVLA have allowed some of these rude reg plates to be released, but all of the above naughty car number plates are road legal and adhere to British standards of spacing and digits set out by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. This means if you're in the market for rude personalised plates, we've got you covered with the widest possible range available.
Two excellent examples of rude registration marks are A11 NOB and X351 ARO, with the first one being quite an obvious dodgy registration mark, but the second plate needing a mirror to see why it qualifies as a rude private registration. As luck would have it, this is how motorists will see it when you're in their rear view and will be able to tell quite clearly what it is alluding to with its spelling.
Banned rude private number plates
Some rude registration plates do actually get banned by the DVLA, however, and that last rude registration mark (X351 ARO) was bought from a DVLA auction by Eric Craggs (the Chairman of National Numbers at the time) who didn't understand why there seemed to be so much interest in the registration number.
After asking another number plate supplier, he was told the significance and instantly started bidding, much against the express wishes of his wife and fellow Director! He was successful in acquiring the rude car reg plate but because we knew it was an oversight, we allowed the registration mark to be returned to the DVLA to save their embarrassment.
Buy the perfect plate today with National Numbers
But all of the above rude private number plates are available to buy online today, and we offer a smooth checkout process with secure payments including credit and debit cards.
All in all, we make the registration transfer process as simple as it can be, and help you secure the perfect new registration at a price you can afford, assisting with finance options and providing an overall excellent service as a registered number plate supplier.
So, if you're interested in any of the rude DVLA number plates you see above, or you'd like to enquire about acrylic plates or anything else relating to the private number plate world, get in touch with our team of experts on 01642 363738.