National Numbers
Tel: 01642 363738     Web :
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About National Numbers


Established in 1981, National Numbers have matched thousands of satisfied customers to their perfect private number plate.

Why Buy From National Numbers?

  • National Numbers have been buying and selling number plates since 1981 - that's over 44 years trading, supplying unique and exciting vehicle registrations.
  • We're recognised by the DVLA, and are members of all trade bodies - the Cherished Numbers Dealers Association (CNDA), Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI), Cherished Numbers Guild, and Institute of Registration Agents & Dealers (M.I.R.A.D).
  • We're rated as 'Excellent' on Trustpilot with 4378 reviews, scoring an average of 4.9 out of 5.
  • And we have one of the largest databases of UK registrations - some 70+ million registration combinations.

As you can see, we are well qualified to handle your order. Our phones are staffed 7 days a week by the friendly folk you can see below, and we'd be only too pleased to answer any questions you have.

Director of Operations
Sales Team Manager
Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Admin' Executive
Admin' Executive
Information Systems Manager
Digital Content Strategist
Trustscore 4.94378 Reviews
"Very impressed with quick service, all questions answered without any problems."
Members of the Retail Motor Industry Federation

Members of the

Members of the Cherished Numbers Guild

Member of the
Cherished Numbers Guild

Members of the Institute of Registration Agents and Dealers

Member of the
Institute of Registration Agents & Dealers

A Brief History of National Numbers

National Numbers Ltd. began some 44 years ago by accident - a motor accident to be exact.

Sue, one of the original directors, ran into the back of a Ford Granada in her Mini. The Mini came off worse and was a write-off but the ill-fated vehicle was registered with a dateless PF cherished number plate which sold for more than the car.

This sparked a light bulb moment with Eric, the other original director of National Numbers, and he promptly set up business in his kitchen and began trading in number plates.

Initially all deals were written on pieces of paper and hung on hooks - this worked fine until someone opened the back door and all the papers blew all over the garden!

Ponderous alphabetical files were the progression from this method, but if a file was returned to the wrong place then finding it again would prove very time consuming.

The first computer in the office

Enter the company's very first computer. After a long deliberation about the expense and if it could be justified, the purchase was made and registration and customer details were added to the new-fangled box. Although it would have to run alongside the alphabetical files for a further six months (nobody trusted the computer to not simply vanish all the information that had been entered into it), once it had proven it's reliability and the staff had become confident with this new technology, the obvious value to the business that the machine introduced was endless.

Progressing things further, a completely bespoke database was commissioned to accommodate the ever expanding list of registration marks for sale.

Accolades were won, quality kite marks earned, and membership of trade bodies, such as the CNDA, were achieved. The business went from strength to strength as the demand for personalised number plates showed no signs of slowing.

In 1989 the DVLA themselves twigged that the market for personal number plates was only ever expanding and began making available previously unissued government stock registrations. Until this point the only registrations available for sale had been those that had been in general circulation, so the choices now available to clients ballooned to previously unthinkable levels.

Typically it would be through weekend national newspapers or motoring publications like Exchange & Mart and AutoTrader where people would find out about National Numbers with regular full page adverts cramming in as many of the best registrations on the books as the tiny print would allow.

This would change in the late 90's however, when a little thing called the internet started to take off.

The National Numbers website now lists over 70 million registrations and you can buy securely online at any time of the day (although our friendly sales staff are still there during business hours if you'd like to speak to them!).

Jepson & Co.

Eric and Sue finally retired from the business in 2013 (although the lure of number plates is strong and Eric often returns to the office in a consultant capacity - he does, after all, have over 44 of experience in the subject), and the reins were handed over to Jepson & Co., who are another family run business who have been supplying number plates since 1894.

The symbiosis between the firms is an obvious one - National Numbers having the know-how to supply the legal right to a particular registration, and Jepson & Co. supplying the highest quality physical plates to attach to your vehicle.

Don't Settle For Less

Get your personalised number plate from the dealership that meets the high standards required by ALL the number plate dealership trade organisations.

National Numbers' membership of all the trade organisations means that you can be confident that we are a reputable organisation with excellent knowledge and experience of the number plate market with a mission to deliver outstanding customer service at all stages of the process.

Established in 1981, National Numbers works hard with our sister company Jepsons & Co Ltd (number plate manufacturers for over 131 years) to deliver a high quality comprehensive service.

Our customers agree!

Based on 4378 reviews, Trustpilot, the consumer review website, has given us the top rating of 5 stars.


Who are the Number Plate Trade Organisations?

Member of the Cherished Numbers Guild

Cherished Numbers Guild

Membership of the Cherished Numbers Guild is a sign that the dealer has been accepted into the Guild by way of good standing in the industry. Guild members agree and trade by a set of guidelines specifically designed to enhance the buying experience for all customers. The CNG is recognised by the DVLA as a trade association and is actively engaged in proactive dialogue.

Member of the Retail Motor Industry Federation

Retail Motor Industry Cherished Numbers Dealers Association

The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) is the UKs leading automotive trade body. As part of the Federation, the association represents reputable and responsible dealers in vehicle registration numbers. Members adhere to a strict code of conduct and the association also offers dispute resolution.

Member of the Institute of Registration Agents and Dealers

Members of the Institute of Registration Agents & Dealers

All M.I.R.A.D affiliated dealers offer a quality controlled, high level service which is backed by a UK wide support network of other regional and national dealers.

Postal Address

National Numbers
21 Manor Way,
Belasis Hall Technology Park
TS23 4HN

Call Us

Sales Line : 01642 363738
Calls are charged at standard rate.

Please quote 'DT' when you phone

Office Hours :
09:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday
09:30 - 17:00 Saturday
10:00 - 17:00 Sunday

More Contact Options
  • We accept Visa
  • We accept Visa Debit
  • We accept Visa Electron
  • We accept Mastercard
  • We accept Maestro
  • We accept PayPal

All major payment methods accepted

Proud Members Of

Proud members of ALL number plate dealership trade organisations.

Cherished Numbers Dealers Association
Retail Motor Industry Federation
Cherished Numbers Guild
Institute of Registration Agents & Dealers

We're also DVLA recognised - meeting the terms and conditions of the DVLA's ethical trading practices.

We're also DVLA recognised - meeting the terms and conditions of the DVLA's ethical trading practices.
Replace My Plates
Only need plastic plates? Replacement number plates for pick up from a local Collection Point
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