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92-Year-Old Passes Advanced Driving Test

November, 14 2010


Age seems to hold no barriers for the determined, especially so for a pensioner in Scotland who became one of the oldest people to pass the advanced driving test.

Archie Scott, 92, from Inverness, passed his original driving test 75 years ago in 1935.

His decision to sit the advanced test was to prove to the DVLA that he was still a perfectly safe motorist.

This record breaking achievement has been recognised as the oldest person in Scotland to have passed the test by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).

Speaking with the BBC, Mr Scott expressed how he had been very nervous in the lead up to the advanced test.

"My first driving test was very simple," he explained.

"It took half an hour and as long as I dealt with the gears in a decent sort of way and drove in a fairly straight line I passed.

"The advanced test was 50 minutes worth of driving in and around Inverness - on the dual carriageway and rural roads.

"I was fairly nervous about it all but fortunately I managed to pass."

It may come as a surprise to many that somebody over 90-years-old would be so capable behind the wheel, but not to IAM.

IAM have conducted vast research on the matter and their findings suggest that older drivers are safer motorists than younger drivers.

Director of policy and research at IAM, Neil Greig, explained their findings: "This age group make up 8% of drivers but are only involved in 4% of injury causing crashes.

"In comparison, the 15% of drivers in their teens and twenties were involved in 34% of injury crashes.

"We offer our congratulations to Archie, who has proved there's no age barrier to being a good driver.

"Archie's feat underlines our policy that re-tests after an arbitrary age should not be made mandatory, rather we recommend people opt for a voluntary reassessment to improve their own confidence and safety."

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