National Numbers
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Northern Irish Number Plates


As part of the United Kingdom, DVLA registrations issued in Northern Ireland are legal in the UK, and can therefore be transferred to vehicles in England, Scotland and Wales. Number plates on vehicles registered in the Republic of Ireland are not eligible in the same way.

You might be wondering how to read Northern Irish number plates, or how Northern Irish number plates work in the UK, well, first of all, Northern Ireland registrations have their own format, 1, 2, 3 or 4 numbers, paired with a block of letters that always contain an I or Z. The letter combinations work as an original area-identifier; for example, Enniskillen was originally allocated "IL" marks. These were followed by AIL, BIL, CIL, DIL, EIL, etc.

Northern Ireland number plates can be placed into the 'dateless' category of number plates, meaning you can assign them to roadworthy vehicles of any age in the UK . This has led to them being used as convenient "cover" plates. In other words, these registration plates can be used to disguise the year of your vehicle. They can also be used in England as Northern Ireland is in the United Kingdom, so they are fully legal all of the UK.

Cheap Northern Ireland Car Registrations can make a less costly alternative to the more expensive dateless private number plates. Even with the I or Z character in the letters, there's a good selection of cheap personalised plates from Northern Ireland available that make appealing matches to names and words such as ANZ, DAZ, BIG, EDZ, DIG, MIL, RIA and so on.

How Do I Transfer Northern Irish Number Plates?

National Numbers have been buying, selling and arranging the transfer of Northern Ireland Car Registrations across the UK for many years. We were amongst the first to develop the market in Northern Ireland number plates and have our own collection of car registrations administered by our NI representative. We also organise the sale of Irish number plates owned by members of the public.

If you purchase an NI reg from us, the transfer will occur in exactly the same way as if you'd purchased a GB registration. If anything, it's simpler - as you don't need to worry about choosing an age appropriate reg for the vehicle!

Northern Irish Number Plates Exclusive To National Numbers

Further FAQs

Northern Irish plates are 100% legal for road use in any part of the UK. The registrations themselves are governed by the DVLA, and so can be transferred to vehicles that have been registered with them, be that in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland runs it's own registration system and, as such, plates from there cannot be used on UK vehicles.
Northern Irish number plates work in the same way as any other UK number plate but have their own distinctive format, which is a block of letters - that always contain an I or Z - and 1, 2, 3 or 4 numbers. As they carry no age identifier they can be assigned to suitable vehicles of any age.
The letter combinations in a Northern Irish number plates work as an identifier as to the region they were originally issued in, "IL", for example, relates to Enniskillen so all the AIL, BIL, CIL, DIL... etc. come from there. The numbers are simply sequential - starting from 1 and going right up to 9999 as required.
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We're also DVLA recognised - meeting the terms and conditions of the DVLA's ethical trading practices.
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