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How To Choose a Private Number Plate

January, 30 2023 | James Russell

At National Numbers, we know all there is to know about private registrations.


How To Choose a Private Number Plate

From how to buy a private number plate to how to sell a private number plate, and everything in between. So, if you need help buying or selling a private registration plate, we can help, and most of the time, we can do pretty much all of the legwork for you.

But what we can’t do, is decide what kind of number plate you want. Of course, we can offer guidance on which private registrations are popular with our customers, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can make the decision.

In this blog, we’ll give you some things to think about when buying a personalised number plate. Hopefully, this will help you make the decision for yourself, and you’ll be able to find a personalised reg that you love.

Initials, name, or something else entirely?

The first thing you want to consider when you’re buying a private number plate is what you want it to say. I mean, that’s pretty obvious, but how can you whittle it down?

A range of number plates

A popular format for personalised registrations is your name or initials. Initials obviously fit more easily onto a private reg, but some shorter names can also work fantastically well. However, it’s important to understand that if you do have a short name, particularly a three letter name, your private registration options will likely be more expensive because they’re more popular.

If you have a longer name, don’t worry, because we have mechanisms in place on our website to find number plates for all kinds of words and phrases. Simply visit the National Numbers website and search for a word of your choice. Then, we’ll pump out a list of number plates that utilise numbers, digits, and an array of different formats, to find a private reg that suits you.

You can also find inspiration for your perfect name number plate here.

Think about the age of your vehicle.

There’s a golden rule when it comes to private registrations, and it’s that you cannot make your vehicle look newer than it is with your registration plate. This applies to prefix, suffix, and new style (also known as millennium style) number plates that have year identifiers.

A clever way around this is to purchase a dateless number plate, which has no age identifier at all. Northern Irish number plates also serve this function, and are often cheaper, too.

Browse our range of affordable dateless private number plates here, and you can also find the perfect, affordable Northern Irish number plate with National Numbers.

What kind of vehicle is your private number plate going on?

Next, we have the kind of vehicle your number plate is for. Most of the time, it’ll be for a car, but if you have a motorbike or a Jeep, a standard sized registration plate won’t fit on your vehicle.

For these vehicles, you’ll need a 3 by 3 number plate. These have the first set of characters on one row, with the second set below, rather than in one section, so they will fit on your vehicle.

Browse 3 by 3 number plates with National Numbers here.

Business, or pleasure?

When you’re buying a private registration, it’ll generally either be for personal or business purposes. Personal means you want it on your own vehicle, or as a gift to somebody to put onto theirs, and business is one that shows off your business name or initials.

For example, if you have a fleet of vehicles for your organisation, so taxi companies, haulage, even tradesmen, you might want to add a personalised number plate to your branded vehicle(s). It can help set your vehicle and business apart if you do, giving that extra edge over your competition and added legitimacy to your customers.

Give our sales team a call on 01642 363738 for information about our business number plates, or visit our website and search for the name of your company.

The private number plate buying process.

Buying a number plate is super-simple, but if you aren’t sure how the process goes, here’s a quick breakdown.

  1. First, you search at our website for your perfect plate. Remember, you can search full words or initials, and our website will work its magic to provide something that works.

You can also give us a call on 01642 363738 and we’ll help find a private plate that matches what you need.

  1. When you find a private registration that you want to buy, you simply click “buy online” next to the plate and fill in your details. Please note, that these details must match those in your vehicle logbook.
  1. Next, you enter your vehicle age, and we’ll tell you if you can buy the number plate legally, without breaking the rule of making your vehicle look newer with a private reg. You’ll also enter the registered keeper’s name, in this process, which is you or whoever you’re buying the personalised reg for.
  1. Once you’ve entered these details, you can choose whether or not to have the physical, acrylic number plates sent out to you, too. We provide the rights to your private registration when you buy from us, while our parent company Jepson & Co Ltd, the oldest and best established number plate manufacturer in the country, supply the physical number plates.
  1. Finally, you pay for your plates, and you’re done!

It’s as simple as that, but if you need any more assistance, give our sales team a call on 01642 363738 and they’ll answer any questions you have.

Buy private registrations with National Numbers.

To find and buy the perfect private number plate, visit the National Numbers website. We have over x available, so you’re sure to find one that suits you, your business, or a loved one.

Alternatively, you can give our expert, friendly sales team a call on 01642 363738.

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